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The Rev. Mary Sulerud, Interim Rector:

The Venerable Ruth Elder, Deacon:

Church Office: 410-461-7793

There are many occasions when clergy can be of support, sharing your joys and sorrows, and offering spiritual support during crises. Here are just a few — please reach out …


When you have a question of faith or religious experience

Both doubt and mystical experience can be unnerving. A companion can be of enormous help in such situations. Spiritual direction is one of the skills in which the clergy are trained. Spiritual direction's primary focus is on learning more about God’s relationship with you and bringing this to light. Individual direction and recommendations for resource materials are available whether you find yourself simply seeking or in a spiritual crisis. Please reach out directly to a clergy person with further questions or concerns.

Before going to the hospital

It is no longer the practice of hospitals to notify churches about hospitalized parishioners. When we know about a hospitalization, clergy and lay visitors can call on parishioners with support, friendship, prayers, and sacraments. Please notify the church office as soon as you are aware that you or a loved one will be hospitalized.


When a parishioner becomes unable to attend church

Whether due to illness, injury, or infirmity, contact the church office.

When death occurs, or is imminent

The church is thanked for its ministry to the dying and to mourners perhaps more than for any other pastoral service. When a loved one dies, please call the clergy before making any arrangements. The sooner the clergy are called, the more helpful we can be in offering pastoral support and an awareness of God’s love in one of life’s most painful times. Clergy will guide you through the planning process, and should be consulted prior to setting a date, time, or location for funeral services, at a time when decision-making can be difficult for you. Parishioners are also encouraged to pre-plan arrangements and can contact the church office to do so. 

When a baby is born

The birth of a baby is one of God’s greatest miracles. Prayers of thanksgiving and a blessing upon the child and the parents are appropriate immediately following a birth.  St. John’s Meal Ministry is available to support new parents.

When you wish to receive the sacrament of...



Infants, young children, and adults may be baptized. Please contact the church office to inquire about scheduling a baptism.

Holy Eucharist

All baptized Christians are invited to participate in Holy Eucharist during worship each Sunday. If you are unable to attend due to illness or other circumstance, please contact the Church office to schedule a Eucharistic visit.



Much strength for living comes from unburdening one’s guilt to a fellow human being who can give you the wonderful assurance of God’s love and forgiveness. You have an absolute guarantee that your confession, when given to a priest in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, is held in confidence.


Whether you plan to be married at St. John’s or elsewhere, the clergy can enrich your preparation for marriage by joining with you in conversations as you look ahead to your life together. It is best to start discussing plans for the wedding day as far ahead of time as possible. If you would like to be married at St. John’s, please contact the church office before choosing a date. 

For more information about these Sacraments and Sacramental Rites in the Church, visit our Sacraments page.

When you want to talk about a difficult decision

Your work, getting married or divorced, a change in jobs … these are all big life decisions that warrant discussion and prayer. The clergy can bring new perspective to the situation and are here to discern important matters with you in confidentiality and spiritual friendship. St. John’s Stephen Ministry can also make available specially-trained lay persons to support you for a period of time as a spiritual friend.

When alcohol or drugs become a problem for you or someone you love

The alcohol or drug dependent person is ill and needs help, just as a person with any illness needs help. Clergy can support individuals and the family, finding the best and right kind of assistance.  St. John’s hosts both Alcoholics Anonymous and

Al Anon. Check our calendar for days and times.

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